Stylet button >

What is a website or web app without buttons. Buttons are used for different things on a website. To submit form, serve as a link and so on.

To create a button with Stylet add the class name "button" to the button tag. Stylet also offers defined Button styles for our buttons, to use them we need to add "button-design-{stylet's_color}" after the "button" class.

<button class="button button-design-gold">
Hello from a golden button
<button class="button button-design-red">
Hello from a red button
<button class="button button-design-royal-blue">
Hello from a royal blue button
<button class="button button-design-purple">
Hello from a purple button
<button class="button button-design-blue">
Hello from a golden button

We can also add our own styles to our button such as backgrounds, color, padding, margins and so on.

<button class="button red-bg">
I am a button
<button class="button purple-to-orange-bg">
Hello! i am multi-colored

<button class="button blue-to-green-bg">
Hello! i am also multi-colored

<button class="button royal-blue-to-light-green-bg">
No way! i a am also multi-colored